Workspaces and Toodledo


Ive been tring the Organizer for Outlook (OfO) for a few weeks.

I've been using Toodledo for a bít longer, and now it seems that the Todo-puzzle is finally starting to complete itself.

I really like the ability to use these two products in assistance of each other!


My question in short is how to sync the Workspaces I have in ToodleDo with Workspaces in OfO??

The followup question is if there is a proven method to collaborate between multiple users with OfO?


Longer explanation:

We have a couple of ToodleDo account that we share within our group. We use ToodleDo as our group planner and task tracker.

"Main" & "user A" & "User B" & "User C" & "User D" (5 accounts).

We use it to keep track of our ToDo-lists. New assignments that no one is directly responsible for goes to the "Main" account (or Workspace as it sits in my ToodleDo). If I then (as user A) feels this task belongs to me, I then reassign this task to myself (that is: Reassign it through ToodleDo, so it ends up in my workspace)

How can I Collect an email with OfO and Defer it to another ToodleDo workspace? Or do I have to Defer it to a particular project and then through ToodleDo reassign that to another ToodleDo-Workspace?


Feel free to ask for explanations if anything is unclear!

