Outlook Organizer for Outlook 2003

Why isn't there a version of the Outlook Organizer for Outlook 2003?  There are many Outlook 2003 users out there, probably as many or more than there are Outlook 2007 users.

Needed to make an investment choice

Casey - thanks for the note.

Regarding a 2003 version.  I had originally written a VBA version of the tool and it worked in both in 2003 and 2007.  However, I couldn't distribute that version.  And I used it to get some of the basic concepts right.

When I rewrote it in .net, I started in October of 2008.  Office 2010's schedule had just been announced and Microsoft was making a big push to its new ribbon interface.  Since 2003 and 2007 interfaces were pretty different and what it took to code for the different UIs basically doubled my UI dev time, I needed to decide on a version.

I know this doesn't make it any easier for folks with 2003, but I hope it helps folks understand why we picked the 2007+ route.

Outlook Organizer

Chris:I understand.  I am using Outlook 2003 and want to try the Outlook Organizer.  I can download a trial version of Outlook 2007 from Microsoft so that I can load and setup Outlook Organizer for a test run.  Question is, if I decide I need to return to Outlook 2003 (e.g. in the event I decide not to continue to use Outlook Organizer for some reason), can I do that and how big of a deal is it?

Should work fine

You shouldn't have any issues - the projects you set up get tagged as categories to the Outlook objects, e.g. a task might have a category of 'Personal Projects' which is the name of the project you set up in the Organizer.

The only other artifact that get's created is an appointment in the future that stores the XML used to keep track of the projects and focuses.  You can find it at July 16, 2063 @ midnight.

I can't think of any issues you'll run into regarding Microsoft's design.  You may need to redo your profiles, but that shouldn't be a big deal.  And if you're using Exchange, it should handle the sync'ing regardless of which client gets the information.