My Contact shows up under project but no others do

Contacts in a Project

Contacts show up in Project Explorer when a project is selected.  Make sure that View - Artifacts is checked.

Contacts are added to a project in two ways (and show up in Project Explorer):

  1. When a contact item is open, use the Project button to associate the project with that contact.
  2. When a contact is 'Responsible' for a task that is associated with a project, their contact record will also show up in the Project Explorer.  That's the reason you see your own contact under a project, you are effectively accountable for every task unless the task is delegated.


removal of contact in project

what if I don't want my contact in all the projects? 

My Contact in all projects

The assumption I've used is that if a person has a task assigned to them within a project, they are on the project team.

I suppose it's possible to have all of the project's tasks delegated to someone other than yourself, and then you wouldn't show up in Project Explorer as a contact within that Project.

Seems unlikely though.  Perhaps you can teach me as to why you wouldn't want your contact to show up under a Project.

I'm using it solo - non-team

I'm using it solo - non-team members and it's annoying to have my contact in the list all the time :)

Fair Enough

Thanks for the explanation, I will look at incorporating a checkbox into the Options going forward to turn it on and off.