Registration not "Sticking"

Hi all,

I'm having trouble getting my registration to "stick". Actually this has been a problem almost since day 1, and I've lost count of the number of times I've had to recreate my project list.

I understand this issue has been fixed in version 3.5. Is this a free upgrade or do I have to pay for it? I'm currently using 3.1.1008.5. I'm running Outlook 2007 on a Windows 7 machine.

Please advise.

Thanks and regards,


Upgrades are Free

It looks like you've seen the other forum article explaining how to fix this.  And yes, it's been fixed in v3.5.

Also, yes - the upgrade is free.  All upgraded versions for a major release, e.g. v3, are free.  So upgrading from v3.1 to v3.5 is free, as well as subsequent bug fixes along the way.


Sticky Registration

Thanks Chris.

Downloaded update, and all seems to be in order.

Your speedy response appreciated as always.
