Lean Six Sigma for Champions

Be the catalyst for excellence.  Learn how to drive a better, stronger organization. Designed for CEOs, managers, and all leaders with a stake in the success of the organization. This course introduces you to the best practice frameworks, tools, and techniques in Lean, Six Sigma, TOC, and Baldridge, so you can best drive accountability and pursuit of results. Improve your understanding of how strong strategic planning provides the foundation for performance excellence. Learn how to kick-off improvement teams with clear direction and a common vocabulary. Understand the process of improvement to keep everyone on track. Learn what to expect to create accountability and a results focus. And learn how to create positive momentum so that your organization becomes a leader in your segment and operates effectively and efficiently.

$150.00 per student*
3.00 hrs
*Pricing varies according to student number, venue & sponsoring organization expense sharing - call for an exact quote.