My Organiser View

First - really pleased with this add-on. I've never been so organised!

What I'd like to be able to do is adjust the various window sizes in the My Organiser view to suit the fact that I use a laptop with a desktop screen at the office and with it's own screen when I'm away. I'sd like to be able to take advantage of the extra space I've got on the desktop screen. At present the various windows seem to be haved a fixed size and the edges are not draggable.

Any ideas?

Many thanks.


Organiser View - resizable windows


Like the others in this post, I'm very impressed with the add-on and all that it does.  Will definitely be purchasing.

I wanted to add my voice to those asking for resizable windows in Organiser view.  I too use a laptop/desktop solution and the unused real estate is the only frustrating aspect in what is an otherwise excellent product.

Keep up the great work and thanks for listening,


Thanks - Working on it

Robert - thanks for your note.  I'm glad the tool is helping you stay organized.

The 'My Organizer' page is basically a web page that uses the Outlook View Control.  I've looked at ways of implementing resizable windows (like you would on any web page) and have designed a way to use JavaScript to accomplish it.  Look for an update in the next version.

Thx again.

Resizing the My Organizer View Windows

Hi Chris,I am evaluating the Ceptara Organizer and it looks good, i.e. useful to organize my tasks. Have looked into quite some others.However, a resizable My Organizer View would improve it's usabilty a lot. Best would be if the windows fit automatically to the available screensize. As Robert mentioned, I also use a laptop screen when travelling and a desktop screen when in the office.Thanks-olivier

Resizable My Organizer

Thanks Olivier - we're looking at it.

Risizable Panes in "My Organizer"

So a year later, any progress here?Thanks!

Any luck w/ resizable windows?

For the last few years, I've used Franklin Covey's project management software but got tired of it constantly crashing my outlook.  When trying other project management tools, I came across Ceptara and must admit, it's wonderful!!  

I also use a laptop with desktop monitor and would love to see resizable windows.  It would make a huge difference in my viewing experience.   If you have already made this change, please let me know how I can get it.

Thank you!

Nedra Williams   (President, Database Management Solutions, LLC)