Organizing info in outlook

Hi everyone! I have a question that is less about how the organizer works, and more about how people are using it and organizing their information.

What 'level' projects are people using? In the example videos, Chris seperates projects by client. I know this isn't the only way to organize things, but I'm having a tough time figuring out what will work best for me. I tend to create a new project each time I have a new project assigned to me - no matter if it's a short term (get it done within a couple of weeks) or a long term project. I have organizing fits, though, when I can't figure out how to assign emails to a specific topic. Thus my "administrative and HR" folder is huge and not very usefully organized. It feels like the junk drawer in my kitchen.

What are the criteria that people use for creating projects and what are the advantages of doing it that way?

If someone can share how they deal with the issues or point me in the direction of other forum topics where this has already been discussed, I'd really appreciate it!


thank you!

I appreciate your comments, Hugo. I can see why that system works well for you.

Part of my frustration is that while I get project-specific emails, I also get general emails like a monday morning bulletin with the week's scheduled calls and other reference documents, and emails with information about specific projects that I don't necessarily work on (my teammates do), but that I want to read and track.

I'm still somewhat confused - and not very organized. I'm trying, though!


Hi Jason,It is a bit of a

Hi Jason,It is a bit of a strugle to find out what works best for you. Like you, I like to start a seperate project for each new result I need to deliver. So I use workspaces for my clients and create the projects for that client in the workspace. This works best for me. I use a general archive folder for e-mail not related to any project. Don't worry about not being able to find your old e-mail when you need it. The search option in outlook is quite strong, so with the right keywords (which you will probably remember) and the option to search in all outlook items you will be able to retrieve anything. Cheers,Friso

How i organize my info in outlook with the ceptara tool

Hi Jason,

I like the way the ceptara tool more are less automaticly changes the place information is stored when I change the project name (outlook categorie).

So I try to use that to the max.

I have set up a lot of projects. With several differnt project numbers and ranges.

To give you some insight..

I have set up a folder for each account.

These folders numbers assigned from 11000 to 11999. These folders are my "archief"  for the account.

I have set up a folder per active project

20000 to 29999.

As soon as a project is closed and I don't feel de need to keep track of the information on a project level. I change the project name to the previous mentioned account name. In that way I still have the information available .. if needed.


Further more I got specials ranges for:

- Some day maybe

- Refferance material


