Rediscovering The Theory of Constraints

Eliyahu Goldratt published The Goal in 1984 describing the Theory of Constraints (TOC), a process of on-going improvement. It was read by millions, cited by hundreds but remains a minor part of the quality body of knowledge.

At ASQ's Seattle section meeting on January 14, 2010, we explored TOC and rediscovered its value and how to use it as part of the quality toolbox.  Those that attended the event learned the history of TOC and how Goldratt's position in a software firm led to his abstraction of systems and how he turned his knowledge into a continuous improvement program.  They were introduced to the concept of a constraint and what it can mean to an organization's throughput.  The TOC methods; 'The Thinking Process', 'The Five Focusing Steps', and the importance of appropriate cost performance measures were discussed and illustrated via a couple of real-life examples.

If you weren't able to attend or want to review the presented material, please take a moment to tell us a bit about yourself and download the FREE 52 page presentation.  Hopefully it will help you rediscover the Theory of Constraints.

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