I need to move my software to a new laptop

Which steps do i need to take to keep my current setup?

Moving data from one computer to the next

Hugo -

Thanks for asking.

If you use Exchange - all you need to do is install the add-in on your new computer and connect to your Exchange profile.  The add-in will get the project data from your existing profile and everything should work fine.

If no Exchange (or like service) - you can use the Project Explorer to export your data store to an XML file and then import the file on your new computer.  Use the File - Manage Data Store - Export to File and Import from File menu choices.


Hi Chris,yes, i'm using

Hi Chris,

yes, i'm using exchange. But it seems that i still miss some settings.

I have all my projects set up to a folder in Oulook and a on the network / laptop. .. These settings are missing. I'm in the process of mapping them manualy. But a quick dump/reload would be nice. I still have my old machine up and running. Is this still possible?

Outlook Folders

Hugo -

If your projects Outlook folders are in your Exchange folder set, everything should work out fine as they are synchronized to your new computer.  If you have the project's Outlook folder pointers mapped to a local .pst folder set, then you may have some difficulty.

Not sure what the case may be for you.


Don't know why it didn't work...

Hi Chris,

it seems that pointers to "normal"  outlook folders where deleted. By now, I have replaced them manualy. So.. we can close this topic.

Maybe i did something wrong during installation on my new machine.

Anyway, the sync to toodledo doesn't seem to work.. I will do some checks. But it might be that i'm going toe enter a support request.

