Personal Excellence Introduction Presentation to ASQ SQD, October 4, 2011

The PowerPoint presentation used at the [ASQ Service Quality Division] conference in Seattle, WA is attached below.

An introductory session for the Personal Excellence [Workshop] was presented.

We talked about how to focus and achieve your dreams by challenging yourself with three questions:

  1. What is important to me?
  2. What should I focus on?
  3. What do I need to do next?

Some key takeaways from the talk included:

  • Your journey starts with you.
  • Write down your values and use roles to make them real.
  • Use communities, roles and MARST to frame your objectives.
  • Process your e-mail using the 5Ds
  • It's your system - make it work for you!

To learn more about Personal Excellence try attending one of our [Workshops], downloading our Microsoft Outlook [add-in], and/or reading the [Getting Started Guide].

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