Product News
Ceptara's FocusMe for Outlook Launching Soon
Mon, 09/15/2014 - 15:04 — ChrisThe FocusMe add-in for Microsoft Outlook 2013 is nearly ready. FocusMe for Outlook is the next generation of the Organizer for Outlook tool. In a few more weeks we'll be launching the FocusMe Pro version.
March 2011 - News from Ceptara
Fri, 03/18/2011 - 17:37 — l-childsView this message [online].
Join us April 29nd for our Personal Excellence Workshop to be held in San Diego, CA. Come prepared to look at what is important in your life and learn how you can organize personal and business tasks to help you achieve excellence.
Personal Excellence Workshop - Seattle WA, 2/22/2011
Thu, 02/03/2011 - 23:35 — l-childsJoin us February 22nd for our Personal Excellence Workshop to be held in Seattle WA. Come prepared to look at what is important in your life and learn how you can organize personal and business tasks to help you achieve excellence.
The workshop with help you to:
June 2010 - Mind Mapping And Work Breakdown Structures
Sun, 06/27/2010 - 19:47 — ChrisView this message [Online]
The latest product news from the team at Ceptara, a company dedicated to helping organizations and individuals focus and achieve their goals.
April 2010 - Ceptara Releases Organizer for Outlook
Mon, 04/26/2010 - 08:00 — ChrisView this message [Online]
The latest product news from the team at Ceptara, a company dedicated to helping organizations and individuals focus and achieve their goals.
January 2010 - Ceptara's New Organizer Update
Sat, 01/02/2010 - 12:56 — ChrisView this message [Online]
The latest product news from the team at Ceptara, a company dedicated to helping organizations and individuals focus and achieve their goals.
November 2009 - A New Organizer Update
Mon, 11/02/2009 - 19:43 — ChrisView this message [Online]
The latest product news from the team at Ceptara, a company dedicated to helping organizations and individuals focus and achieve their goals.
Ceptara Product Information - September 2009
Thu, 09/10/2009 - 17:19 — ChrisView this message [Online]
The latest product news from the team at Ceptara, a company dedicated to helping organizations and individuals focus and achieve their goals.
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Microsoft Outlook Add-In
Focus on Your Life, Not Your Inbox
Achieve greater focus by shifting your attention from e-mail to accomplishing what matters most!