By following a structured and disciplined methodology you can achieve a deeper understanding of the root causes of any problem. The “5-Whys” Root-Cause-Analysis (RCA) methodology was invented by the founder of Toyota, used in their manufacturing process, and continues as one of the tools in the modern lean methodologies tool kit.
Often in our lives there are moments (inflection points), e.g. a new job, becoming a couple, your first child, starting a business, changing lifestyle, etc. Our success in navigating those inflection points is largely based on who we are, what we want, and how we go about achieving it.
Here's the latest news from the team at Ceptara (, a company dedicated to helping organizations and individuals focus and achieve their goals.
Join us April 29nd for our Personal Excellence Workshop to be held in San Diego, CA. Come prepared to look at what is important in your life and learn how you can organize personal and business tasks to help you achieve excellence.
Join us February 22nd for our Personal Excellence Workshop to be held in Seattle WA. Come prepared to look at what is important in your life and learn how you can organize personal and business tasks to help you achieve excellence.
Here's the latest news from the team at Ceptara (, a company dedicated to helping organizations and individuals focus and achieve their goals.